Town of Stratton, Vermont

Tax Payment Information:

How to Pay:

1. Mail Payments:  Checks must be made payable to Town of Stratton.  We do accept timely, non-metered postmarks.

2. Pay in Person:

Stratton Town Office

9 W. Jamaica Rd.

Stratton, VT 05360

3. Credit Card Payments: Click here for instructions

4. Automatic Tax Payment Program:  Click here for the enrollment form

Please contact the Stratton Town Office if you have questions.

To contact the Vermont Department of Taxes (Click here). 

To file a Homestead Declaration online Click here.

For a helpful guide from the VT Dept. of Taxes regarding Frequently Asked Questions at Tax Time (click here)


Alyson Peterson
9 West Jamaica Road
Stratton, VT 05360
Phone: 802-347-7203
Fax: 802-896-6630


Assistant Treasurer
Candie Bernard
Delinquent Tax Collector - Candie Bernard

Municipal Website